ICT member Alexandre Lima explains in a national network why rare earth elements are so important.
Also an article published in a national newspaper (2/23/2025)
ICT Member Pedro Nogueira (UÉvora) was awarded with the Habilitation Title on the 20th Dec 2024.
Public presentation of the new book written by Rui Dias (15th December 2024, Academy of Sciences of Lisbon)
PhD student Joana Rodrigues was one of the guest speakers at UNESCO (Paris) to celebrate the International Geodiversity Day (7-Oct-2024).
Conversas com Ciência - RTP Açores 09-09-2024
Talk with the ICT researcher João Fontiela about earthquakes in the Azores region (in Portuguese).
Organised by the Portuguese Space Agency and by the University of Minho (13-Sep-2024).
Read also his interview published in Diário Insular- --->
ICT student Cátia Almeida received the Best Oral Student Presentation Award during the congress "Terra em Foco", organised by the Portuguese Space Agency and by the University of Minho (13-Sep-2024).
ICT call for fixed-term contracts of PhD holder researchers expected for 2025